Thursday, November 04, 2010

Books, library and more

Talking about books, I am still waiting whoever wants to donate, you're welcome!

There is a lot going on in my mind at the moment. I just try to share myself in as many pieces as needed. Sometimes I have the feeling I do too much and too many. And end up not knowing where to take myself from.
These days I cleaned the house, I translated, conceived materials, posters and so on... I tend to lose myself in all that I do and forget about food, sleep and so on. Luckily the kids were not home and I had the whole time in the whole world and I do thank my husband for tolerating me these days.
Yesterday I worked at translating wonderful Orthodox Children's books - 12 - wonderfully written and illustrated. It seemed easy at first, I was so happy to do that... But there is always the thought of not disappointing people that entrust you with helping them. I don't want to disappoint people. Never!

Today is our first activity class at the library. haven't prepared yet and am so very tired but I know God will just clear up my mind and help me order the things in my head. I am chaotic for others but ok for me :)
Today we are going to read The Happy Prince and introduce some of the books I have translated in Romanian... It will be interesting! I also plan to have music in the background while reading and think of some warm up activities as there will be people of different ages 5-12, I think.
Being the first class I don't expect it to be the best as we get to know each other and know what each other can do and like doing... I am a bit nervous though it's the kids I'm so much at ease with... When there are adults around I lose myself...
So have me in your thought and ...will just let you know after!!!

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